Mary Kiffmeyer Should Not Be Re-elected
Why am I being negative? Two reasons: (1) Minnesotans are so nice that they will not turn people out of office unless they are doing a bad job; (2) She is making false and misleading statements in her speeches and campaign literature, and she is using deceptive endorsements to overstate her support. It's not fair to the other candidates to let her get away with it.
Poor administrator
You should not vote for Mary Kiffmeyer. She is a poor Secretary of State. If you don't take my word for it, call your local election official and ask if Minnesota should stay with Mary. Link to letter from former Hennepin County Auditor: "Unfortunately, for the past eight years, we have had a secretary who is not only a very poor administrator, but one who has put partisan politics above good election administration. I know, because as County Auditor and chief county election official for quite a number of years, partisanship and poor administration in the Office of the Secretary of State has been very frustrating not only for myself but for nearly every other County Auditor in the state...I encourage you to contact your County Auditor or local elections official and seek their recommendation for this very important election. Please do not simply vote for the incumbent because you do not know much about the office or candidates."
Conservative blogger objectively analyzes the Kiffmeyer record--it's NOT a job well done
False representations
In her StarTrib online Voter Guide profile, she claims that voter turnout was “plummeting” before she took office. Totally false. Minnesota was Number 1 in the nation in 1996 and in 1998, the year she was elected. Madame Secretary, you cannot plummet to Number 1.
She also takes credit for the high turnout in 2004. Actually turnout was higher everywhere across the nation. And Minnesota became a “battleground” state for the Presidency. Both Democrats and Republicans employed their most sophisticated and aggressive get-out-the-vote efforts ever.
Our average turnout in primaries is the lowest ever under Kiffmeyer. Why doesn't she take credit for that?
Unlike Mary, I don't pretend that the Secretary of State is responsible for voter turnout. Competitive, important elections are what drives turnout.
Misleading endorsements and claims
A DFL legislator responds to endorsement with top 10 reasons why it's wrong-- 3 letters down
Kiffmeyer exploits a perennial losing candidate and misrepresents his credibility
Kiffmeyer should tell MCCL--she's not in the legislature
Other concerns
Why Republicans should support me
Kiffmeyer's strange partnership with a shady organization--Phony invoice sent by "non-profit" notary operation doesn't reflect well on our state government.